PRESS RELEASE - New-York October 17th: Haitian Diaspora Announce Protest at Dominican Consulate against the court decision that stripped Million of Dominican of their Citizenship
- Détails
- Catégorie : Diaspora
- Publié le lundi 14 octobre 2013 19:26
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK– The Haitian Diaspora for Civic and Human Rights (HDRHR) in coalition with other civic organizations invites countless concerned citizens of all nations, to join us on October 17th for a huge protest in front of the Dominican Republic Consulate located at 1501 Broadway Ave, New York, NY. The rally will start at 2 pm until 6pm.
HDCHR et al will unequivocally demand to rescind the 168/13 ruling of September 23rd 2013 from the Dominican's Highest Court annulling the citizenship of half a million of Dominicans of Haitian decent including other ethnic groups, if they were not born before 1929 in the land.
This decision is an unashamed infringement of all international engagements of the Dominican Republic in violating the human rights and dignity of its population. It is also a
potential anthropological and civil genocide setting the ground for an eventual ethnic cleansing case on the Hispaniola Island.
As a reminder, in October 1937 height (8) years before the Jewish holocaust by Adolph Hitler, President General Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Y Molina has massacred 20 to 30,000 Haitians living in the borderlands of Dominican Republic. Historians label such massacre as The Parsley Massacre. Today, our generations have a moral obligation to stand against the current xenophobic ruling by the Highest Court. We fully support our Dominican brothers and sisters to prevent the power-brokers from recidivating another massacre, this time not by machetes but by their racist law.
Trujillo did it in 1937!
We must stop it from happening again in 2013
NO to civic genocide!
Yes to Human Rights!
Contact Person: Garry Dorleans / Lord K. Divers
Tel: 800-385-1896 Ext 101, 102 Email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. / Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2013
Where: Consulate General of Dominican Republic
1501 Broadway New York, NY 10036
Time: 2:00pm – 6pm
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