Tout Haiti

Le Trait d'Union Entre Les Haitiens


Friends of Haiti 2010: November 2nd, Diaspora Forum on the integration in the Political and Economic process of Haiti (Free admission)



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Friends of Haiti2010 (FOH2010) Invites all Haitians and Friends of Haiti to attend and take an active part in a Free Diaspora Forum Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Vault Café 481 Hempstead Turnpike, Elmont, NY 11003 10:00am to 4:00pm  Tel: 347-546-1468516-987-2416 / 646-606-6402 (Refreshments and light lunch will be provided)

Arrive at 9:00 am for registration  

This year’s theme is:

The Haitian Diaspora!
It Integration into the Political and Economic  Process,
Objective Limits, and Myths

Official Guests Includes:

The Honorable Senator Simon Dieuseul Desras, President of the National Assembly;  The Honorable Senator Steven Benoit, First Secretary of the Senate; Dr. Garry Conille (former Prime Minister of Haiti); Edwin Parison (former Minister of Diaspora); Jean Henry Céant (former presidential candidate); Professor Harold Joseph Pierre (UNIBE, Santo Domingo); Prof. Etienne Thélémaque; Mr. Peter Helder Bernard, Esq.; Dr. Frantz Antoine Leconte;Journalist Hans Garry Dorléan; Frantz Jean-Baptiste; and many others. Members of regional and socio-professional organizations in the diaspora will also participate in this forum.

Seating is limited please kindly RSVP by October 28th 

 Call or Text 516.987.2416 or 646.606.6402

Space is limited

(FOH2010) is a unique nonprofit organization that brings together Haitians from across the globe and those who want to see Haiti succeed to provide a short, long-term support to Haiti and builds strong Haitian communities. To achieve this objective, in the coming year, FOH2010 will gather the necessary resources and partners to create employment opportunities and empowers the Haitians. FOH2010 educates the Haitians living abroad and those back home about the democratic process and their civic responsibility, thereby developing the community's ability to advocate for it and address critical issues within the areas of Education, Health Care, and Socioeconomic Development

Hosted by: FOH2010


