Analyses & Opinions
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- Catégorie : Opinions
- Publié le lundi 28 octobre 2013 21:10
Every conscientious Haitian should ask Prime Minister Lamothe to resign for corruption. Richard Morse who was one of the most intelligent advisors President Martelly had resigned because he refused to be part of what he saw as rampant corruption. I expect most of you to dislike what I am saying but it is true. Lamothe is more interested in his own personal gain than he is in moving the country forward.
Laurent and I discussed the fact that his government would not be a government as usual there would be accountability, and transparency. In fact he's doing the opposite. We discussed the need to create a Haitian resume bank that highlights the skills of qualified Haitians throughout the world to serve the government. We talked about a long-term plan for the country, which he never developed.
- Where is the fifty-year plan for the country?
- Where is the higher education implementation plan?
- Where is the healthcare delivery system? Where is that agricultural infrastructure plan?
- Where is the plan to decrease our dependency on foreign imports?
- Where is the plan to increase exportation?
- Where are the foreign investors ready to build factories and take advantage of our labor force?
- Where is the consistent stream of tourists?
Oh wait we can't have tourist we don't have roads, hotels and restaurants. We don't have sanitation. We don't have stable source of food . We don't have security. Wait we don't even have a functioning Police force. We don't even have a functioning mail delivery system. Maybe that's because we don't even have an address system that's easy to look at.
What is his vision for Haiti?
What does he want to see done during his term as prime minister? What has he done since he's been appointed? What will his legacy be? Has he clearly articulated to the citizens of Haiti his plans. Where is the money that is taken from the Diaspora? Has anybody see ever seen the account for the money? Why has not he publish the resumes of our ambassadors, consulates, ministers and directors. Who are these people? Would you like to know?
If asking these questions means I have a personal Vandetta against Lamothe so be It. Richard Morse did not have a personal Vandetta. He was and remains a conscientious Haitian citizen and do I am.
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