Tout Haiti

Le Trait d'Union Entre Les Haitiens

Analyses & Opinions

Haitians call on US-backed president to resign

michel martelly us back presidentFile photo shows US-backed president of Haiti Michel Martelly.

People continue to protest in Haiti against the rule of US-backed President Michel Martelly.

Thousands gathered in the capital Port-au-Prince on Thursday, demanding the resignation of the president.

Protesters burnt tires and staged big outdoor fires to show their disapproval of Martelly's continued rule. However, no clashes were reported between police and demonstrators.

People warned that they would burn down the entire Port-au-Prince if the president does not step down. They called on the US government to "come and get Martelly out".

Haiti is deadlocked in apolitical dispute between the president and some members of the senate with Martelly accusing legislators of blocking his efforts to introduce a new electoral law.

The political stand-off has stalled the pace of reconstruction in a country of 10 million which is still recovering from the massive quake in 2010.

If an agreement is reached between the president and the opposition, Haiti can hold elections in the next six months which may hugely improve the situation in the country. A presidential election is set to be held in 2016, when Martelly's term comes to an end.

Source: PressTv